Mangia-Mangia Yum-Yum 小饕雲端誌
Mangia是"吃"的義大利文,發音如同"慢呷",Yum就是yummy,好吃的意思。從小就愛待在廚房的我,不像美食家般講究,當個小饕怡情養性就好啦。 I'm not a foody or a connoisseur but I love eating & experimenting the food. This log is simply documenting the relationship between the food and myself.
Friday, January 29, 2016
培根牛肉馬芬+麵包布丁 Bacon&Beef Muffin + Bread Pudding
Sometimes I buy a baguette or a loaf of sourdough and for one reason or another, it doesn't get finished. Like I did last week and a couple of days later I have two loaf of stale bread on my hands. well, It's not a bad thing. The most common way to use would be make into the breadcrumbs or croutons. There are plenty of awesome ways to give new life to the hard-as-a-rock loaf. Today, I am making bread pudding and bacon/beef muffin.
可是前幾天去好市多,一時手殘拿了一包兩條各50-60公分長的法國麵包。才兩天的時間,麵包就已經不行了~ 還剩一條半耶 (哭)。上面的方法消耗太慢,要想更快速的解決方法啊 ! ..... 先開冰箱看剩什麼。嗯 ! 吃剩的培根和烤牛肉及一堆蛋.....
冰箱指引出的人生明燈是 : 鹹的「培根烤牛肉馬芬杯子糕」和「麵包布丁」甜點 -_-||
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Taiwanese shiitake & garlic chicken soup 香菇蒜頭雞湯
What is the better way to warm your body in a cold snowing day than having this shiitake garlic chicken soup? Try this Taiwanese chicken soup and recharge yourself for this winter.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
I know people think the turkey is primary dish in thanksgiving feast; However, in my opinion, PECAN PIE is what I am going for. This recipe is my favorite recipe, I would say it's more traditional, but it definitely tastes better than any recipe you can find.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Easy Lavender Shortbread 超完美薰衣草酥餅
我超愛薰衣草的。家裡種好幾盆,有紫色,白色還有粉紅色;有傳統種,英國種還有西班牙哦。只是每次只有拿來泡茶而已,真的辜負這樣的好物。後來做了幾次薰衣草餅乾,都有點小失望,直到這次。真的是完全沒有遺憾之超完美薰衣草小甜餅。吃過的朋友也很讚賞(就連不喜歡薰衣草的朋友也可以勉強吃一塊 ....%$##*.... 這算正面嗎?)。喜歡薰衣草的朋友真的要試這個呀。
Lavender is definitely one of my favorite flower`s. I have several types of lavender growing in pots such as, original colour purple, pink, light green, English Lavender, Spanish, and of course the original French variety. I love the beautiful fragrance and have tried to co-operate it into my baking a few times, but have found it hard to get a nice balance until this time. It perfectly combine the sweetness and lavender scent. If you are a lavender lover like me, try this Lavender Shortbread recipe and you won't be disappointed.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Banana Buttermilk Cupcakes 香蕉杯子蛋糕
It's simple and easy to make the cupcake, especially when you are craving for something sweet but don't have enough time to prepare, this would be a great choice.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tomato and Cheddar Pie 番茄巧達派
This Tomato & cheddar pie has been the most popular dish I have ever made. I always get compliments at party and people ask me for the recipe consistently. I hope you do take time to make this pie, enjoy a wonderful savory dish with your friends !!
Friday, September 13, 2013
果醬升級版 Upgrade UR Jam
I bought a big jar of Mango / Peach & Apricot jam from Costco, I like it, but it's way too sweet for my liking, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to finish the whole jar of jam any time soon, so I decided to do a little experiment to make the jam taste better.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Pineapple Snowball 鳳梨雪球
These soft little cookies are great for a light dessert. The bright taste of lemon makes them a winner!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
義式火腿粥 Italian ham congee
Do you ever have leftover rice and don't know what to do with it ? How about saving it for congee? This recipe might help you.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Brownie (friend's recipe) 好友的布朗尼食譜
彭老大,雖然你沒有綁架成功,但是你可以照這食譜做啦,一樣很好吃的。所以不要綁我喔 !!
This wonderful recipe is from a friend of mine, just follow those simple steps and everyone can make the delicious brownie without kidnapping me.
彭老大,雖然你沒有綁架成功,但是你可以照這食譜做啦,一樣很好吃的。所以不要綁我喔 !!
This wonderful recipe is from a friend of mine, just follow those simple steps and everyone can make the delicious brownie without kidnapping me.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
My Valentine's dinner - SuHang Restaurant 蘇杭人家
This year, we chose to come to Su-Hang Restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day. It's the Shanghai cuisine which specializes in complicated knife skills and sweet salty flavors.
灌湯小籠包 / Steamed Soup Buns w/ Pork Filling
YUMMY !! They were tasty but not overly salty.
This year, we chose to come to Su-Hang Restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day. It's the Shanghai cuisine which specializes in complicated knife skills and sweet salty flavors.
灌湯小籠包 / Steamed Soup Buns w/ Pork Filling
YUMMY !! They were tasty but not overly salty.
Monday, January 9, 2012
腰子當歸湯 Pork Kidney Soup w/ Chinese Herbs
☉ Pork Kidney 1lb,Milk 1/2c,Ginger 3-5 slices,Rice Cooking Wine 4tbsp,Sesame Oil 3tbsp,Water 1bowl(600-1000cc),Salt, Sugar, Flour some,Tofu 1box,Angelica 3 pieces,Vegetable (carrot, Cauliflower…etc, not potato, because it would making the soup muddy look)
1. Cut the white membrane and inner white tubes from the kidney; squeeze and wash carefully in running water for few time; Slightly cut the across lines on the surface of kidney and then cut into smaller pieces.2. Soak them in flour water for one hour and then wash in running water again for few times.
3. Soak them in milk for an hour and then wash in running water again.
4. Using 1tbsp. rice cooking wine + Sesame oil to marinate the pork kidney for half hour.
5. Prepare a pot of water with 1 slice ginger & 1tbsp. rice cooking wine. Bring it to the boiling and turn off, then place the kidney into the water until half way done. (about 5 minutes).
6. Take kidney out of pot and wash the impurities out in cold running water.
7. In another pan, medium low heat; add the rest of the sesame oil, stir the ginger, and then stir the tofu and vegetable until they are soft.
8. Add the rest of rice cooking wine, water, kidney, sugar and Chinese herbs kit. Bring it to boiling and sprinkle the salt as you like before serving.
For Steam: After Process 6. take another pan, medium low heat; add the rest of the sesame oil, stir the ginger, and then stir the tofu and vegetables until they are soft and then add the rest of rice cooking wine, water, kidney, sugar and Chinese herbs kit. Transfer all of the ingredients into a big bowl and move into the steamer for 40-60 minutes.
PS1: Kidney contents the overwhelming urine fragrance, therefore it's better to wash the kidney as much as possible.
PS2. Chinese herbs kit is the package with multi Chinese herbs, it can be found at the Chinese herbs store or the big Chinese supermarket.
PS3. Angelica root also called: Angelica sinensis (Chinese:Dong Quai) is one of Chinese medical herbs. It is used to improve circulation of human's body which also often to treat woman's reproductive problems, such as dysmenorrheal or painful menstruation. It also suggested relieving cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, infrequent periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms.
PS1 台灣去腥的方式是用米酒或白醋,可是我覺得白醋只是壓味,個人蠻推薦國外使用牛奶去腥。 In Taiwan, people prefer to reduce the undesired flavor by rice vinegar or rice cooking wine and Western prefer to use milk which I do too.
PS2 我不大相信國外的肉販,所以清洗工作會多一些。Wash the visceral as many as possible, due to butchers don't do clean job very well in the West.
PS1 台灣去腥的方式是用米酒或白醋,可是我覺得白醋只是壓味,個人蠻推薦國外使用牛奶去腥。 In Taiwan, people prefer to reduce the undesired flavor by rice vinegar or rice cooking wine and Western prefer to use milk which I do too.
PS2 我不大相信國外的肉販,所以清洗工作會多一些。Wash the visceral as many as possible, due to butchers don't do clean job very well in the West.
☉ 豬腰一斤;牛奶適量;麵粉 1湯匙;薑片少許;米酒 4湯匙;麻油 3湯匙;水 1碗公;鹽糖 適量;中藥材包 1包;豆腐 一塊;當歸三片;耐煮的蔬菜一碗(菜心蘿蔔...etc)
1. 豬腰去除表面的膜,橫切半,將白色的筋切除後切花,切小塊。2. 用麵粉+清水泡一小時後,再抓洗換水3-4次。
3. 泡牛奶一小時去腥後用清水再抓洗過一次。
4. 米酒+麻油各一匙加入豬腰片醃半小時後。
5. 煮一鍋水+薑兩片+1湯匙的米酒。沸騰後關火,加入豬腰,泡到五分熟(大概3分鐘)
6. 用冷水將豬腰和雜質洗淨。
7. 再起一個油鍋,中小火倒入剩餘麻油,續入薑片煸熱後加入豆腐+蔬菜炒軟入味。
8. 入米酒+豬腰+水+中藥材包+糖,慢慢煮到偏好的硬度。起鍋前撒些鹽調味。
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