免揉麵團 : 麵粉 : 溫水 = 2:2:1
免揉麵團 200g / 中筋麵粉200g / 溫水100cc / 油一匙 / 糖一匙 / 種仔堅果或葡萄乾(先泡軟)適量
1. 麵粉+糖倒入一個大碗+油+溫水,用筷子攪拌成團
2. 在工作檯上將做法1+免揉麵糰揉勻,(30分鐘)
3. 揉好的麵糰用濕布蓋住醒麵30分鐘。
4. 醒好的麵,把空氣揉掉,揉成長條狀或壓成扁平的方形。
5. 灑上各種種仔(我用南瓜子跟亞麻仁)。捲成長條後切成數塊(我分割成每個3-4cm寬),每個麵團下面墊一張蒸紙(我用烤箱烤紙)
6. 蓋上濕布發酵30分鐘-1小時。
7. 蒸鍋加水煮開後將麵團排入蒸鍋,中小火蒸15分鐘
註1. 我用溫牛奶代替水,不過用全麥麵粉所以沒有白拋拋的顏色。
註2. 我不喜歡甜鰻頭所以只放一匙;如果嗜甜,可以放3匙。
註3. 種仔堅果最好先乾炒或烤過,葡萄乾先泡軟。也可以在步驟2就混入各式種仔一塊揉勻
No-Knead bread dough : All purpose flour : Warm Water = 2:2:1
No-Knead bread dough 200g / All Purpose flour 200g / Warm Water 100cc / Cooking Oil 1tbsp / Sugar 1tbsp / any kinds of Nuts, Seeds or Raisins (Soak into the water ahead) as your desire.
1. In a large bowl, combine flour+sugar+cooking oil with warm water, stirring well.
2. When the dough has just pulled together, move to the table, add the no-knead dough and knead until smooth, about 15-30 minutes.
3. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let rest for 30 minutes.
4. Squeeze the air out of the dough and roll out dough into a rectangle shape.
5. Sprinkle with the nuts and raisins. Roll up dough and pinch seam to seal. Cut into the equal size rolls (about 1 inch wide) and cut the wax paper into individual pieces to fit the doughs and then place the dough onto the paper.
6. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and rise for 30-60 minutes or until doubled.
7. Pour the water into the steam pot and boil, move the dough to the pot and steam for 15 minutes.
PS1. I used the whole wheat flour and warm milk instead.
PS2. I only added 1tsp sugar; however, can add up to 3 tsps as you wish.
PS3. Can also add the nuts before kneading the dough (Process 2).
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