Flour 170g (All-Propose or Cake);Unsalted Butter 130g (room temperature);Sugar 10g (optional);Cream Cheese 60g;I Lemon zest & juice;Pineapple Paste 2/3lb;Confectioner Sugar 2-3tbsp * Make 30-26 balls in this recipe
1. In a mixing bowl, cream butter & cream cheese, sugar and then mix lemon zest and juice, blend well. Stir in flour.2. Divide the pineapple paste to smaller pieces (9g) and make it to ball shape.
3. Count how many pineapple balls and divide the dough into same number of pineapple paste.
4. Take one pineapple ball and warp by the dough and then roll into the ball shape and place them on baking sheet.
5. Preheat the oven to 335℉/170℃. Bake for 12-20 minutes or until bottoms are lightly browned.
6. Remove immediately to wire racks to cool down, then sprinkle confectioner sugar (or not).
PS1. I personally prefer not to add sugar in the dough because to the pineapple paste is sweet enough. If you like to make this snowball cookie without the filling, add 50g sugar after cream the butter and cream cheese and before the lemon zest, juice.
PS2. If only bake 12-15 minutes. The cookies will have great soft texture. By baking a few more minutes, the cookies will be a little more shortbread like.
麵粉170g(中筋or低筋);無鹽奶油 130g(室溫);奶油乳酪 60g;白砂糖10g(或不放),1顆黃檸檬皮末跟汁(中型);鳳梨餡2/3斤。糖粉2湯匙 *這份量可以作30-36顆
1. 奶油+奶油乳酪打發後加入檸檬汁及檸檬皮拌勻。篩入麵粉,拌成麵糰2. 鳳梨餡分成9g的小糰,搓圓
3. 計算多少份鳳梨糰,然後將麵糰分割成與鳳梨糰等量的小麵糰(11-15g)。
4. 取一顆麵糰稍稍壓扁,包住鳳梨糰後搓圓。
5. 將小麵糰整齊等距離排在烤盤上,以335℉/170℃烤12-20分鐘即可。(不要讓底不太焦黃,顏色太深會比較脆,影響那麻糬般軟軟的口感)
6. 放在架子上冷卻後,灑上糖粉(也可不灑糖粉)。
註1. 鳳梨餡本來就很甜,所以有時放10g的白砂糖甚至不放。如果不用鳳梨餡,單純的麵糰就使用白砂糖50g,在做法1,打發奶油+奶油乳酪後加入砂糖繼續打到細緻霜狀。
註2. 如果只烤12分鍾,雪球軟軟綿綿的好像麻糬,如果多烤幾分鐘,軟軟酥酥的也很好吃。
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