而肉桂,丁香等香料讓這柿子餅一口咬下,我心裡想到的都是:"WOW~So Christmas!!"
Butter 1/2c (115g); Sugar 1c (200g); 1 Egg; Soda 1tsp (5g); Persimmon pulp 1c (280g); Flour 2c (250g); Salt 1/2 tsp; Cinnamon 1/2tsp; ground Cloves 1/4tsp; Raisins 1c; Nuts chopped 1c
Cream butter & sugar, add egg, add persimmon pulp with soda. Mix well. Add sifted dry ingredients then nuts & raisins. (Chilling the cookie dough at this point will help give fluffier cookies.) Drop on greased cookie sheet. Keep cookies small and far apart as they spread out.Bake at 325 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
奶油1/2杯(115g); 白砂糖1杯(100g); 蛋1顆; 蘇打粉 1茶匙(5g); 柿子去皮後果肉攪成泥 1杯 (260g); 麵粉 2杯(250g); 鹽1/8茶匙; 肉桂粉1/2茶匙; 丁香粉1/4茶匙; 葡萄乾1杯; 堅果(核桃)1杯
1. 將奶油和砂糖打成絲絨般的乳狀,蛋加入打勻,柿子泥+蘇打加入攪勻。2. 加入麵粉+鹽+肉桂粉+丁香後攪勻;再混入葡萄乾和核桃。
3. 若將麵糰放入冰箱冰鎮後,烤出來的餅乾會更鬆軟。我冰過一小時,不冰也可以。
4. 用湯匙舀麵糰(4x4cm)到烤盤 5. 325℉/165℃ 烤12-15分鐘
PS. 我改過材料表,糖減半(原本200g),豆肉蔻沒加,柿子泥兩顆300g 我吃掉一口,所以大概280g吧。I cut the sugar by half (was 200g) and didn't add 1/4tsp of nutmeg and the persimmon pulp on the recipe was 260g, I used 2 persimmons(300g), ate one spoon, so kind of 280g I suppose.
The Recipe from : http://whiteonricecouple.com/recipes/persimmon-cookies/
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