I have been asked several times by my friends about how to make yogurt ? I am really happy for my friends because of from the studies, there are more activate bacterias in the homemade yogurt than the products from the supermarket, as a consumer, when you choose the product at the store, you don't know if there is any good bacterias survive from the transportation between factory to the stores.
So, now, I am posting my simple easy recipe and hope it would befit everyone. Good luck.
6 cups milk,1/2c plain yogurt
1. Pour your milk into a cooking pot. Heat the milk up to 140℉/60℃ (Drop one drop of milk on top of your hand if feel hot but not burn, that’s about right). Turn off the heat.2. Stir in 1/2 cup plain yogurt.
3. Cover the pot and then move to the warm place and leave it without disturbing it for 8-15 hours. (I usually make the yogurt before bedtime in summer and dinner time in the winter.)
4. When the yogurt is firm, move it into the refrigerator and try to finish it within a week.
5. Don't finish the yogurt completely, leave ½ cup of yogurt to make another pot of new yogurt. It can be used repeatedly 5 times.
PS. After making yogurt a couple of times, you would have a better idea about how many hours it would take. Due to the temperature change seasonally, Sometimes the yogurt might be thicker or thinner, however, you can drink it as yogurt drink.
1.將牛奶倒入鍋裡,中火加熱,當溫度達到140℉/60℃左右,關火。(我的方法是用湯匙滴一滴牛奶到手背,如果覺得很燙又不到燙傷的地步,就是了) 2. 將1/2原味優格緩緩倒入牛奶中,慢慢攪拌均勻。
3. 將鍋子移到溫暖的地方,不要移動攪拌,放8-15小時。(我通常都是晚上做放烤箱裡隔夜。夏天熱8-10小時就夠了,睡覺前做。冬天冷可能要12-15小時就晚餐前後做,有時還加一條大毛毯包裹)
4. 當鍋內的優格呈凝固狀,就好了。舀到容器內移到冰箱,一個禮拜內用完。(時間久可能分離出來的乳清水會比較多,不用擔心,乳清水也可以喝)
5. 不要把優格吃完,剩下半杯的優格,可以再做新的優格。可以反覆做五次。
註: 試一兩次有經驗了就知道幾個小時比較適合。畢竟每個地方跟季節溫度都不一樣,有時後稀一點或稠一點,下一次做調整一下就好了。稀一點或時間久一些會分離出一些乳酸水,都可以當優酪乳喝。
註: 如果是放在電鍋持續保溫,記得內鍋下墊一個架子,避免沉澱到內鍋底部的優格菌因為溫度太高被殺死。做出來的優格會太稀。
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