Sunday, December 11, 2011

肝料理東西軍 / Liver Cook-Off

It's getting cold here and I have been thinking of the fired pork liver in sesame oil, I miss the warm tasty sesame oil and soft liver melt in my mouth. Oh-Yea, I need them warm my body up and feel re-born again. I told to someone and he has craving his chicken liver dish as well and then we were debating which dish should be better than the other but it seemed we went into the dead block, so, what's better than making an Iron chef's liver cook-off.
天氣越來越冷,開始想吃垃騰騰的食物,尤其幾百年沒吃到的豬肝湯。跟某人說超想吃麻油豬肝的,他自己也很想吃他的雞肝料理,而且互相覺得自己的應該比較棒,既然這樣,那就給他來一個料理東西軍咩, Who 怕 who .....。

◆ 培根炒雞肝(圖右) Pan fried Chicken liver with Bacon & Onion (On the Right of the picture)
☉ Chicken Liver 2lbs; Bacon 7-10slices; 1 Onion slices; some Flour; rice cooking wine 1tsp
1. Cleaning the livers with clean water and soak into the milk for an hour and wash them one more time.
2. Rice Cooking Wine 1tsp to marinate for 30 minutes. (Western don't do this process for sure, I did it behind my someone's back. because I am eating it as well, right ?)
3. Take a big fired pan and turn the medium heat, fired the bacon for few minutes and then take them out.
4. Fried the onion in bacon oil until they are golden brown and soft, take out.
5. Take the liver out of pot and wash the Impurities out in cold water.
6. Prepare a bowl with the flour inside. Dipping the chicken livers and fried in the rest of bacon oil.
7. When they are cooked, turn over and place the cooked onion and bacon back to pan and stir fire everything for few minutes.

☉ 雞肝1碗; 牛奶適量; 培根7-10片; 洋蔥1顆 切絲; 麵粉一杯
1. 清水抓洗後換水1-2次,泡牛奶一小時去腥後用清水再抓洗過一次。
2. 米酒一匙加入雞肝醃30分鐘。(老外沒作這步驟,可是我也要吃,所以幫他偷作。白酒也可替代)
3. 起一平底鍋,中火煎培根數分鐘後移出。
4. 放洋蔥絲用培根油炒軟後移出。
5. 麵粉倒入深底的盤子,將每個雞肝確實沾到麵粉入平底鍋用餘油慢慢煎熟後翻面。
6. 洋蔥+培根一起倒回鍋內與雞肝拌炒後起鍋。

◆ 麻油豬肝(圖左) / Pan fired pork liver in sesame oil (On the left of the picture)
☉ Half piece of Pork Liver; Ginger 10-20slices; Rice Cooking Wine 2/3c; Sesame Oil 1/2c; Milk 1/2c; Salt,Sugar,Flour some
1. Clean the Pork and slice the liver into 1/4 inch thick pieces and then wash them with clean running water for 3-4 times .
2. Add the milk and soak for 1 hour and wash with clean water again.
3. Add in 1tbsp of rice cooking wine, sesame oil, flour to marinate for an hour.
4. Boil a pot of water, when it is boiling, turn off the fire and place the liver in the boiling water to cook the liver medium done (about 3 minutes).
5. Take the liver out of pot and wash the impurities out in cold water.
6. Take another pan, turn on low heat, and add the rest of the sesame oil. After the oil is hot, fire the slices ginger, when you smell the sesame oil with ginger together, it's time to add the rest of rice cooking wine and sprinkle the sugar for another 3 minutes.
7. Place the liver into the pan and slow cook until the level of soft or firm you preferred.
8. Sprinkle the salt as you like before serving.

☉ 豬肝半付; 牛奶適量; 薑片少許; 米酒 2/3杯; 麻油 1/2杯; 鹽糖,麵粉適量
1. 豬肝膩著紋理切片(0.5cm)後用清水抓洗後換水3-4次。
2. 泡牛奶一小時去腥後用清水再抓洗過一次。
3. 米酒+麻油+麵粉各一匙加入豬肝片醃一小時。
4. 煮一鍋水。沸騰後關火,加入豬肝,把豬肝泡到五分熟(大概3分鐘)
5. 用冷水將豬肝和雜質洗淨。
6. 再起一個油鍋,中小火倒入剩餘麻油,續入薑片煸熟。加入米酒+撒一點糖煮大概3分鐘。
7. 入豬肝,慢慢煮到偏好的硬度。
8. 起鍋前撒些鹽調味。
PS1 台灣去腥的方式是用米酒或白醋,可是我覺得白醋只是壓味,個人蠻推薦國外使用牛奶去腥。 In Taiwan, people prefer to reduce the undesired flavor by rice vinegar or rice cooking wine and Western prefer to use milk which I do too.
PS2 我不大相信國外的肉販,所以清洗工作會多一些。Wash the visceral as many as possible, due to butchers don't do clean job very well in the West .
PS3 麻油的沸點低,所以用中小火,避免大火,也不要讓油沸騰。 Sesame oil has a really low boiling point which is not a good idea to cook in the high heat.
PS4 我不愛酒味太重,所以步驟有點倒過來,先把酒精稍微掉再放豬肝。 You can cook the liver before add the rest of cooking rice wine. I prefer to Eliminate the alcohol which I add the rice wine first.
Objectively speaking (as a fair judge), I really think the pork liver is better. They are perfectly cooked, firm but milt in your mouth soon you eat. Also, the whole body has warm up soon after finishing a bowl of pork liver with rice cooking wine and sesame oil. Furthermore; sesame oil is the really good stuff, great for your body and healthy. Opposite, all of the bacon, onion and chicken liver are equally delicious which mean the chicken liver is not the major star of the dish. Most importantly, cooking the whole dish with the bacon oil, man, only think of it...I might now get high blood pressure elevated.


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