25g Butter or Cooking Oil;1/2c Popcorn Kernels;1-2tbsp Butter;2-3tbsp Coco powder(Add 2-3 tsp sugar, if using non sweet coco)
1. In a tall soup pot, heat the 25g cooking oil or butter in medium heat.2. Add the popcorn kernels into the oil and cover the pan and shake evenly to make sure the oil coats all of the corn kernels. It takes about 2-5 minutes to pop all the corn kernels.
3. When the noise is getting quite, turn off the heat, shake the pot once in a while and wait for 30 seconds, until the popping noise stops.
4. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter (or microwave). Pour in a thin stream over popcorn and coco powder, then stirring to coat. (I used 2 tsp condensed milk instead this time, which makes my life even easier by wash 1 less pot)** If you eat the popcorn immediately, can skip baking process **
5. Preheat the oven to 300℉/150℃. Spread the popcorn evenly to a big baking tray. Bake and stir every 5 minutes for 10-20 minutes.(maybe I used condensed milk this time, I only bake 6 minutes, stir twice.)
PsA. You can add coco powder to the oil in the pan (No.4), the coco will be well distributed throughout the popcorn.
PsB. Fun topping:cayenne powder, chili pepper, curry powder, cumin, grated Parmesan cheese or grated garlic...etc
自己做,油量可以控制也較少化學物質。畢竟享受零食還是要注意健康呀 ~
25g 奶油or各種食用油;1/2杯 爆米花用的玉米;1-2湯匙 奶油;2-3湯匙可可粉(如果用不甜的可可粉,加2-3匙的糖)
1. 25g食用油或奶油入高的湯鍋,中火。2. 爆米花用的玉米加入,搖一搖鍋子讓油均勻沾裹在每個玉米上;蓋蓋子;大概五分鐘就會爆完。
3. 聲音逐漸減少時,表示玉米差不多爆完了,關火,持續搖晃鍋子;再等30秒,聲音完全停止時,就可以打開鍋蓋。
4. 再起一個小鍋,將另外1-2湯匙奶油放入(或微波)煮成液狀,慢慢倒入爆米花,攪拌均勻;然後可可粉(和糖)灑入攪拌。(我這次用煉乳所以少一個要洗的鍋子)** 如果馬上吃或沒有烤箱的,就不需要步驟5 **
5. 300℉/150℃預熱烤箱,將爆米花平鋪在大烤盤烤10-20分鐘,每5分鐘拌一下讓爆米花轉面。(因為用煉乳所以只烤6分鐘,拌2次)
註1. 步驟4將奶油煮熱時,也可以先將可可粉加入,這樣爆米花沾的的可可會更均勻。
註2. 也可以用巧克力代替可可,或者辣椒粉,咖哩粉,小茴香,起士粉或大蒜...等。發揮個人的想像力ㄅ!
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