Homemade red bean paste (or buy it at the Asian supermarket) / milk 500cc / sugar 100g / 3 egg yolks / corn flour 1 tsp. / 2 green-tea bags (if you prefer stronger green-tea flavor, you can add 2 more tea bags) / half & half 150cc.
a. Move the ice-cream pot to the freezer for over night.
b. Cream egg yolk and half of the sugar, then add the corn flour and beat well.
c. Heat up the milk and two green-tea bags(optional) to a slight boil, mix well with the rest of the sugar and turn off the fire, cool down for 10-15 minutes (if the milk is hot, the yolk might cooked and the texture of ice-cream won't be smooth)
d. Pour the yolk mix into the milk slowly.
f. Filtering the yolk/milk mix and return back to the stove to 70℃/150℉. Cool down and move to refrig. until chilled. (This is the ice-cream liquid)
g. Beat half & half well and then combine with chilled ice-cream liquid. Pour into the freeze ice-cream pot, stir10 minutes, then add the green-tea powder from the tea-bag, stir for another 20 minutes or until the mixture is firm and smooth.
h. Mix the red bean paste and ice-cream and freeze for another half hour before serving.
紅豆餡1杯(隨意) / 鮮奶500cc / 砂糖100g (我自己做紅豆餡沒有很甜,所以糖多加50g) / 蛋黃3顆 / 玉米粉1茶匙 / 抹茶茶包4個(我喜歡抹茶味重一些) / 鮮奶油150cc
1. 將冰淇淋機的內鍋放入冷凍庫隔夜。
2. 蛋黃和一半的糖打成濃稠狀後加入玉米粉後攪勻。
3. 鮮奶和兩個抹茶包(如果不喜歡抹茶味太重,不用放)加熱到小滾後加入剩下的糖,等溫度稍降大概10-15分鐘。(如果溫度太高蛋黃加進去會煮熟,做好的冰淇淋有顆粒般不細緻的口感)
4. 將做法2蛋黃液慢慢倒入稍微降溫的做法3鮮奶液。
5. 將做法4的蛋黃鮮奶過篩。之後再倒入鍋中加熱至70度熄火(滴一滴到手背,感覺蠻燙的),放涼後移入冰箱。(這就是冰淇淋液)
6. 將鮮奶油打發後和冰涼的冰淇淋液混合後倒入冰凍過的冰淇淋內鍋攪打15分鐘後將兩個抹茶包剪開,倒入抹茶至冰淇淋(或有抹茶粉更好啦),繼續攪打大概20分鐘,就完成了。
7. 將紅豆餡混入打好的冰淇淋後移入冷凍庫半小時。
PS1. 我有手動的冰淇淋機(也沒甚麼神奇,就是有附攪拌棒跟蓋子而已),如果沒有的話,拿一個大鍋子或臉盆+冰塊,再準備一個小一點的鍋子將冰淇淋液倒入,慢慢攪打也行。
PS2. 市面上賣的冰淇淋多以油脂代替鮮奶,所以都不會硬的像冰塊一樣,自己做的是真的用鮮奶做的,病過後都硬的像磚頭一樣,所以最好現吃。要不然下次想吃還要再稍微解凍後才能享用,不但麻煩而且這樣幾次後,冰淇淋的綿密口感也就消失了。(我拍照時,冰淇淋已經拿出稍微解凍兩次,所以有點粒狀結晶了)
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