糖150g / 新鮮或冷凍蔓越莓500g / 雪莉酒(Port)1小杯 / 肉桂粉0.5小匙(或肉桂棒1根)/ 新鮮柳橙1顆
1. 玻璃瓶用熱水燙過再用吹風機吹乾。
2. 若使用冷凍蔓越莓,請先解凍。新鮮柳橙用刮板刨下皮絲(不要刨到白色部份,會苦),再將刨完皮的柳橙榨汁。
3. 在小湯鍋中加入糖,用中火加熱,等到鍋子邊緣的糖轉為淺棕黃色時(沙糖從粉狀焦糖狀很快,所以要注意看),加入蔓越莓、波特酒、柳橙汁和柳橙皮絲,肉桂粉(肉桂棒)放入鍋中,邊煮邊攪拌使鍋內容物沸騰,直到蔓越莓稍微裂開釋出汁液。轉小火持續煮到果汁稍微收乾濃稠,而蔓越莓呈現果醬狀後(取出肉桂棒)。
4. 試吃看看蔓越莓醬汁的酸甜度平衡如何,如果過酸再加入糖直到OK為止。
5. 果醬裝瓶後,倒過來,放入熱水(消毒並讓瓶內空氣成真空)。
Sugar 150g / Cranberry 500g / Port 1 small cup / cinnamon 0.5 tsp / 1 orange
1. put the jar in the boiling water and use the hair-dryer to dry the glass.
2. (Defrost it, if using frozen cranberries) / Zest the orange skin and squeeze for the juice.
3. In a medium saucepan, boil sugar until it shows brown on the edges, then combine cranberry, port, orange zest and juice and cinnamon, bring to a boil. Immediately reduce the heat and simmer until the sauce has thickened as you preferred.
4. Taste for sweetness and adjust with additional sugar if necessary.
5. Fill into the jar and invert into the hot water for 30 seconds. Let it cool down, then refrigerate.
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