Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rice Tortitas 西班牙米煎餅

This is Spanish vision of rice pancake, It is great to served HOT, either plain or with tomato sauce for dipping; A very Spanish way of eating (But I found salsa is even better). However, I also feel it's very Taiwanese, especially when eating it without the sauce.

2tbsb Olive Oil;1c cooked long grain White Rice;1 grated Potato;4 Green Onions (scallions) Thinly Sliced;1 Garlic clove, finely chopped;1tbsp chopped fresh Parsley;3 large eggs, beaten;1/2tsp Paprika;Salt;ground Black Pepper
1.Heat half the olive oil in a large frying pan and stir fry the rice with the potato, green onion and garlic, over a high heat until golden.
2. Tip the rice and vegetable mixture into a bowl and stir in the parsley and eggs with the paprika and salt, black pepper as you wish. Mix well.
3. Heat the remaining oil in the frying pan and drop in large spoonfuls of the rice mixture, Leaving enough space for spreading. Cook the torittas for 2-3 minutes on each side.
4. Drain the tortitas on paper towel and keep hot while cooking the remaining mixture, Serve Hot.
PS. These tortitas can be used as a base for example for cooked chicken livers, instead of the usual sliced bread or starts at party.

1. 用其中一匙的油,大火,將飯、馬鈴薯絲、蔥、蒜炒成金黃色。
2. 將炒好的飯料移到大碗公,加入紅椒粉、巴西利和蛋花,再加入鹽和黑胡椒粉攪勻。
3. 剩餘的油倒入平底鍋,將混合飯料以一湯匙大小放到油鍋,兩面各煎2-3分鐘。
4. 煎好的米香餅放在紙巾上吸油,趁熱享用。


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